Organizational Structure
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Organizational Structure







(As of January 1, 2023)




His Eminence, the Most Reverend Archbishop STEPHEN

Archbishop of Siracusa and Ortigia, and of All Sicily, Southern Italy, and Magna Graecia

Metropolitan of the Americas and Canada of the Italo-Greeks

Bishop of Utica

Primate of the Italo-Greek Byzantine Orthodox Catholic Church




His Eminence, Archbishop Stephen, Chairman

Vicar General (Vice-Chairman)

Chief Operating Officer (President)

Protosyngellos and Chancellor (Vice-President)

Rev. Protodeacon Urban Rand Carter - Trustee

Lay Trustee – Secretary

Lay Trustee - Treasurer

Lay Trustee

Lay Trustee


The Archdiocesan Board of Trustees exercises supervision and proprietary control over all the real property or property rights in real estate used as a place of worship. It holds the title to real property and property rights in the name of the Italo-Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of the Americas and Canada and retains possession of all deeds and other evidence of title to such property. The Board also oversees the investments and endowments of the Archdiocese.


The Board of Trustees consists of no fewer than five and no more than twelve members, elected from among the members in good standing of parishes, missions, and congregations of the Archdiocese. Members of the Board are elected by a majority vote of delegates at the Provincial Council. Their election is subject to the approval and confirmation of His Eminence, the Metropolitan of the Americas and Canada of the Italo-Greeks.





His Eminence, Archbishop Stephen, Chairman

Vicar General Vice-Chairman

Archdiocesan Chancellor Secretary

Archbishop's Office Chief of Staff

Chief Operating Officer

General Counsel

Chief Canon Lawyer

President of the Metropolitan Council

President of the Archdiocesan Pastoral Council

President of the Archdiocesan Finance Council

President of the College of Consultors

President of the Presbyteral Council

President of the Diaconal Council

President of the Monastic Council

President of the Sexual Abuse, Misconduct, and Harassment Review Board

President of the Seminarian Admission, Formation Review, and Evaluation Commission (SAFREC)

Prefect of the Judicial Dicastery



The Archbishop's Council is a consultative and advisory body to the Archbishop. The Council's main purpose and function is to enhance the apostolic ministry of the Archbishop to the Church and to assist him in his three-fold mission of teaching, governing, and sanctifying,


The Council assists the Archbishop by advising him in all matters pertaining to his role as chief pastor, shepherd, teacher, apostle, and evangelist of the Archdiocese. The main objectives of the Council are:

  • giving a clear strategic sense of direction to the Archbishop, within an overall vision set by the Provincial Council and informed by an understanding of the Church's opportunities, needs, and resources;
  • encouraging and resourcing the Church in its parishes, missions, and congregations;
  • promoting close collaborative working between the Archdiocesan Church and its local parishes, missions, and communities as well as its institutions, organizations, and agencies.
  • supporting the Archbishop with their diverse ministries and responsibilities; and engaging confidently with government and other bodies.




Member 1 - President

Member 2 - Vice-President

Member 3 - Secretary

Member 4 - Treasurer

Member 5 

Member 6

Member 7

Member 8

Member 9

The Archdiocesan General Counsel and the Chief Canon Lawyer are ex officio members of the College of Consultors.


The College of Consultors is an institute established by canon law as one of the specific consultative bodies with which the Metropolitan must consult on matters determined under canon law. ​This reflects an essential element of canon law that reserves final responsibility and a final decision on many matters to the Metropolitan, but only after he has consulted and received advice from particular groups in reaching that decision.

The College of Consultors is chosen by the Metropolitan and must include six​ but no more than 12 members chosen from the Council of Priests (Presbyteral Council). The College of Consultors is established for a five-year term. When the five-year term is over, the College of Consultors can continue to function until a new College of Consultors is established, at which time the Metropolitan can reappoint the same people or designate new members.

Members of the College of Consultors include the Archbishop as Chairman; any auxiliary bishops; the Moderator of the Curia (Vicar General); and other priests from the Presbyteral Council. Under canon law, the College of Consultors meets as needed to advise the Archbishop regarding the more important matters affecting the Archdiocese, especially acts of administration in light of the economic condition of the Archdiocese. In discharging its consultative role, the College of Consultors provides advice to the Metropolitan in the performance of acts of extraordinary administration as defined by the Constitution of the Italo-Greek Byzantine Orthodox Catholic Church, the Charter of the Italo-Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of the Americas and Canada, and the Administrative and Judicial Code of the Italo-Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of the Americas and Canada  The consultative role includes whether they should advise the Metropolitan to alienate goods of the Archdiocese or a juridic person over whom the Metropolitan exercises responsibility when the value of the goods whose alienation is proposed exceeds the minimum amounts set by the Constitution of the Italo-Greek Byzantine Orthodox Catholic Church, the Charter of the Archdiocese, and the Administrative and Judicial Code of the Archdiocese. The College of Consultors also has specified duties under canon law when the office of the Metropolitan is vacant or impeded.

Where canon law specifies that the consent or advice of the College of Consultors is required, an absolute majority of those present must consent and the counsel of all members present must have been sought by the Metropolitan. All whose consent or counsel is required are obliged to offer their opinion sincerely.

Meetings of the College of Consultors are confidential as specified under canon law or as determined by the Metropolitan





























  1. The actual title of the Archbishop is: “His Beatitude, the Most Blessed Stephen, Archbishop of Siracusa and Ortigia, and of All Sicily, Southern Italy, and Magna Graecia, Primate of the Italo-Greek Byzantine Orthodox Catholic Church.” At the present time, the personal preference of the Archbishop is to use the title “Eminence” rather than “Beatitude”.
  2. In normal circumstances the Metropolitan Council is to be comprised of the pastor and one elected lay member of each parish, mission, and congregation of the Archdiocese. Both priests and lay members must be in good standing with the Archdiocese. In addition, lay members must be in good standing with their parish. Additional members shall include a representative from the Presbyteral Council, the Diaconal Council, One representative from each seminary and monastery of the Archdiocese, and any other delegates provided for in the Constitution of the Italo-Greek Byzantine Orthodox Church in the Americas and Canada.





Orthodox Canon Law is found in the Rudder. The Italo-Greek Byzantine Orthodox Catholic Church also uses a “modified” version of the Code of Canon Law of the Eastern Catholic Church. It is modified in the sense that Titles II–VI and their subsidiary chapters have been modified to reflect traditional Orthodox ecclesiology. The Canons contained in the Rudder have been integrated with and incorporated into the Canons retained from the Code of Eastern Canon Law to form the Code of Canon Law of the Italo-Greek Byzantine Orthodox Catholic Church.


The reason for this revision is that the Canons of the Orthodox Church as found in the Rudder do not carry the weight of law but serve primarily as guidelines for bishops in their governance of the Church. In the Orthodox Church, the local Bishop has the authority to employ “economia” in the application of the Canons to a specific instance or circumstance.


In the Eastern Catholic Church, like in the Roman Catholic Church, the Code of Canon Law has juridical force, that is to say, the Canons carry the weight of law and are therefore binding upon all to whom they are applied.


The Canon Law of the Catholic Church is the basis of most civil law and is therefore very ancient. The Orthodox Catholic Church has never codified its canons in the way the Roman Catholic Church gives them the force of law but is nevertheless strictly adhered to. The integration of the Orthodox Canons with the structure and Canons of the Eastern Catholic Church in the way of codification provides a clear and defined manner of governance of the Church and ensures the rights and prerogatives of the Christian people within the society of the Church and clearly defines their role and obligations within that society.


The following details the accountability “chain of command” within the current structure of the Archdiocese:





The ruling Bishop, or Primate, of the Italo-Greek Orthodox Holy Metropolitan Archdiocese of the Americas and Canada is the Metropolitan of the Americas and Canada of the Italo-Greeks. The Metropolitan is also the Bishop of a city within the Archdiocese


Since every Orthodox Catholic Bishop must be the bishop of a specific city, the Primate of the Italo-Greek Orthodox Holy Metropolitan Archdiocese of the Americas and Canada is the Bishop of the City of Utica in the State of New York. Utica is both the Metropolitan See of the Archdiocese as well as a territorial eparchy of the Archdiocese. The geographic territory of the Eparchy (Metropolis) of Utica encompasses the counties of Broome, Cortland, Hamilton, Herkimer, Fulton, Jefferson, Lewis, Madison, Oneida, Onondaga, Oswego, and St. Lawrence in New York State.


At the present time, the Archbishop and Primate of the Italo-Greek Byzantine Orthodox Catholic Church serves as the Metropolitan of the Americas and Canada of the Italo-Greeks as well as the Bishop of Utica.



Office of the Chancellor


The Chancellor reports directly to the Metropolitan. The Chancellor is responsible for the delegated oversight, management, and administration of the ministries, vicariates, offices, and departments entrusted to him by the Metropolitan. He is also the ecclesiastical notary of the Italo-Greek Orthodox Holy Metropolitan Archdiocese of the Americas and Canada and the Italo-Greek Byzantine Orthodox Catholic Church in the Americas and Canada



Office of the Chief Operating Officer


The Chief Operating Officer reports directly to the Metropolitan. The Chief Operating Officer is responsible for the delegated oversight, management, and administration of the temporal vicariates, offices, and departments entrusted to him by the Metropolitan.


The primary role of the chancellor is to gather, arrange, and safeguard the Acts and the archives of the Archdiocesan Curia.  That is, he or she is responsible for the orderly arrangement and accessibility of the records and files that keep the Archdiocese running and are its recorded history.  This is especially true in regard to the sacramental registers, which detail the sacramental history of each parish, mission, and congregation in the Archdiocese.  The chancellor is also the official notary on all of the documents issued by the diocesan bishop.

More and more often, the chancellor assumes the duties of an archivist in preserving both the recorded history of the Archdiocese as well as the preservation of its historical artifacts.  In addition, the chancellor shares in the power of governance in the Archdiocese by issuing decrees and rescripts that allow a person to function in a limited capacity within the Archdiocese or restrict that ability to function freely.

The Office of the Chancellor also helps disseminate information to clergy, parishes, and the Orthodox Catholic faithful that may be beneficial to the people of the Italo-Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of the Americas and Canada as they make their journey of Faith toward God’s eternal kingdom.


Office of the General Counsel


The General Counsel reports directly to the Metropolitan. The General Counsel supports the Chancellor and the Chief Operating Officer and other Archdiocesan offices, departments, agencies, institutions, etc. In addition, the Archdiocesan General Counsel provides legal advice and counsel to the Italo-Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of the Americas and Canada, in complex and diverse matters affecting day-to-day operations by assisting, advising, investigating, researching, and resolving legal matters consistent with civil law and in light of potential implications under Canon Law. The Archdiocesan General Counsel leads and/or participates in negotiations with third parties regarding contracts, real estate, documentation, license agreements, acquisitions, proposals, and dispositions. He or she prepares and facilitates, the execution of legal documents by analyzing, drafting, negotiating, reviewing, and filing these documents to ensure the obligations of the Italo-Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of the Americas and Canada therein are compatible with Church philosophy and policies and are enforceable. The Archdiocesan General Council conducts research, review, analysis, drafting, and approval of various documents, contracts, policies, procedures, and obligations to which organizations of the Italo-Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of the Americas and Canada are or may become a party. The Archdiocesan General Counsel interacts with federal, state, and local agencies on behalf of the Italo-Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of the Americas and Canada and its related entities. He or she manages litigation either directly or through the retention and oversight of outside counsel and provides periodic reporting to management regarding the status of all litigation. The Archdiocesan General Counsel provides legal advice and guidance to all members of the Archdiocesan senior leadership team and provides support across an entire spectrum of areas for potential legal impact (e.g., human resources, finance, technology, etc…) The General Counsel performs other duties as assigned by the Metropolitan Bishop and/or the Archdiocesan Board of Trustees, the Metropolitan Council, and the Archdiocesan Sexual Abuse, Misconduct, and Harassment Review Board.



The Chancery


The Archdiocesan Chancery or the "Chancery Office" is a branch of the Archdiocesan administration that handles all written documents used in the official government of the Archdiocese. It is in the Archdiocesan Chancery that, under the direction of the Metropolitan-Bishop, or his representative, all documents which concern the Archdiocese are drawn up, copied, forwarded, and a record kept of all official writings expedited or received. The official charged with the execution of these duties is known as the Archdiocesan Chancellor.


The Chancery is a necessary element of administration in every archdiocese and diocese. Some provision for its duties must be made, even in missionary dioceses. Unless the official correspondence were properly cared for, archdiocesan management would have no tradition, important documents would be lost, and the written evidence necessary in lawsuits and trials would be lacking. 


The Archdiocesan Chancery consists of a certain number of officials appointed by the Metropolitan. In addition to the Chancellor, there is a Vicar General, Registrar, and Archdiocesan Notary. 




  • Office of the Metropolitan
  • Office of the Chief Operating Officer
  • Office of the Chief Financial Officer
  • Office of the General Counsel
  • Office of the Chancellor
  • Office of the Vicar General
  • Chancery Office
  • Metropolitan Council
  • Archdiocesan Pastoral Council
  • Archdiocesan Finance Council
  • College of Consultors
  • Presbyteral Council
  • Diaconal Council
  • Monastic Council
  • The Judicial Dicastery
  • The Consistory
  • Archdiocesan Registry
  • Archdiocesan Archives



  • Office of the Metropolitan
  • Office of the Chancellor
  • Office of the Vicar General
  • Office of Canonical Affairs
  • Office of the General Counsel
  • Archdiocesan Registry
  • Archdiocesan Archives



  • The Holy Synod of Bishops
  • The College of Consultors
  • The Presbyteral Council
  • The Diaconal Council
  • The Monastic Council
  • The Marriage Tribunal
  • The Metropolitan Council
  • The Archdiocesan Pastoral Council
  • The Archdiocesan Finance Council
  • Seminarian Admission, Formation Review, and Evaluation Commission (Safrec)
  • Sexual Abuse, Harassment, and Misconduct Review Board



  • Mr. Krishan Sesathpura - Chief of Staff
  • Mr. Joseph Mendez - Confidential Executive Assistant to the Archbishop
  • Personal Secretary to the Archbishop
  • Executive Administrative Assistant to the Archbishop
  • Secretary to the Archbishop
  • Chief Canonical Advisor to the Archbishop
  • Chief Protocol Officer
  • The Metropolitan's Almoner 
  • Assistant at the Throne
  • Assistant at the Throne
  • The Master of Ceremonies
  • Archbishop's Archdeacon
  • Archbishop's Deacon
  • Archbishop's Deacon
  • Archbishop's Subdeacon
  • Archbishop's Subdeacon
  • Archbishop's Subdeacon
  • The Supreme Commander of the Sovereign Military Order of Christ the King
  • The Noble Guard
  • Protonotary Apostolic



  • Mr. Joseph Mendez - Chief of Staff/Confidential Executive Assistant to the Archbishop
  • Theologian of the Metropolitan Household
  • Preacher of the Metropolitan Household
  • Confessor of the Metropolitan Household
  • The Regimental Commandant of the Sovereign Military Order of Christ the King
  • The Gentlemen of the Metropolitan
  • The Noble Guard
  • Chaplains to His Eminence
  • Archdeacon to His Eminence
  • Deacons to His Eminence
  • Subdeacons to His Eminence


In addition to the above, the Archdiocese is comprised of several Dicasteries, Prefectures, Vicariates, and Offices, all organized to assist the Metropolitan in his apostolic ministries of governance, service, teaching, evangelism, sanctification, and worship.



The Italo-Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of the Americas & Canada


The Archdiocese is the geographical ecclesiastical district of the Italo-Greek Byzantine Orthodox Catholic Church. The Archdiocese, missionary by nature, seeks to build up the Kingdom of God on earth by calling all people to the conversion of heart, mind, and spirit; to the fulness of the Apostolic Faith; and to membership and life in the Body of Christ.


The canonical territory of the Archdiocese encompasses the continental United States, Canada, South America, and the United States Protectorates. Utica, New York is the Metropolitan See of the Archdiocese as well as the home of the Cathedral of the Most Holy Theotokos - Our Lady of Grace, Mother Church and the Metropolitan Throne of the Archdiocese, and the Chancery Office.


The Archdiocese is led by His Eminence, Stephen, Archbishop of Siracusa and Ortigia, and of All Sicily, Southern Italy, and Magna Graecia, Metropolitan of the Americas and Canada of the Italo-Greeks, Bishop of Utica, and Primate of the Italo-Greek Byzantine Orthodox Catholic Church.

Our Faith

The information contained on the website of the Italo-Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of the Americas and Canada is for informational purposes only. Certain hierarchs, clergymen, individuals, churches, institutions, and organizations are presented for reference purposes only and may not be under the canonical supervision or jurisdiction of the Italo-Greek Byzantine Orthodox Catholic Church or the Italo-Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of the Americas and Canada. The Archdiocese does not exercise any canonical or administrative oversight or assignment authority over clergy that are not part of the Italo-Greek Byzantine Orthodox Catholic Church - Holy Metropolitan Archdiocese of the Americas and Canada. If you have been approached or contacted by a clergyman who claims to be affiliated with the Italo-Greek Byzantine Orthodox Catholic Church or the Italo-Greek Orthodox Church and have questions regarding him, please contact the Chancellor of the Archdiocese at the Chancery Office.


© Italo-Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of the Americas and Canada, 2023


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