Philanthropy is based on voluntary action for the common good. It is a tradition of giving and sharing that is primary to the quality of life. Philanthropy participates fully in the Christian obligation of stewardship, which acknowledges that all we have been given has been given by God, belongs to Him and is to be used for the benefit and well-being of His people, thereby preserving and furthering the dignity of all people everywhere. To assure that philanthropy always remains true to its stated purpose and that it always merits the respect, trust, and support of the faithful of the Church and the general public, and that donors and prospective donors can have full confidence in the Church, the works it undertakes and the causes they are asked to support, the Italo-Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of the Americas and Canada, its parishes, communities and missions, and all its affiliated organizations and institutions, declares that all donors have these rights:
- To be informed of the Church’s mission, of the way we intend to use donated resources, and of its ability and capacity to use donations effectively for their intended purposes
- To be kept informed of the impact of their philanthropy and the Archdiocese’s evolving needs and priorities.
- To be informed of the identity of those serving on the Church’s governing boards, and to expect those boards to exercise prudent judgment in their stewardship responsibilities.
- To have access to the Archdiocese’s most recent financial statements, including audited annual financial statements and reports.
- To receive a timely and courteous response to inquiries about finances and programs.
- To be assured their gifts will be used only for the purposes for which they were given.
- To receive appropriate acknowledgment, recognition, and publicity for their donation, in consultation and with the approval of the donor.
- To receive progress reports on supported activity.
- To be assured of privacy and confidentiality in making donations and bequests, if requested, and to be assured that all information about their donations and bequests are handled with respect and with confidentiality at all times.
- To expect that all relationships with individuals representing the Church and its affiliated organizations will be professional in nature.
- To be informed whether those seeking donations on behalf of the Church and its affiliated organizations are volunteers, employees of the Church or hired solicitors or fundraisers.
- To have the opportunity for their names to be deleted from mailing lists of the Church and its affiliated organizations.
- To feel free to ask questions when making a donation and to receive prompt, truthful, and forthright answers.
- To know that the organization complies with federal, state, and local laws.
- To have the opportunity to visit the office and program sites of the Church to talk personally with administrative officials and staff.
- To give cheerfully without being pressured by the organization.
- To know that all appeals are truthful and accurate.
Addendum Pertaining to Online Fundraising
- To be clearly and immediately informed of the organization's name, identity, nonprofit or for-profit status, its mission, and purpose when first accessing the organization's website.
- To have easy and clear access to alternative contact information other than through the website or email.
- To be assured that all third-party logos, trademarks, trust marks and other identifying, sponsoring, and/or endorsing symbols displayed on the website are accurate, justified, up-to-date, and clearly explained.
- To be informed of whether or not a contribution entitles the donor to a tax deduction, and of all limits on such deduction based on applicable laws.
- To be assured that all online transactions and contributions occur through a safe, private, and secure system that protects the donor's personal information.
- To be clearly informed if a contribution goes directly to the intended charity, or is held by or transferred through a third party.
- To have easy and clear access to an organization's privacy policy posted on its website and be clearly and unambiguously informed about what information an organization is gathering about the donor and how that information will be used.
- To be clearly informed of opportunities to opt out of data lists that are sold, shared, rented, or transferred to other organizations.
- To not receive unsolicited communications or solicitations unless the donor has "opted in" to receive such materials.