/ About / Welcome


I welcome you, on behalf of the People of God of the Italo-Greek Orthodox Holy Metropolitan Archdiocese of the Americas and Canada of the Italo-Greek Byzantine Orthodox Catholic Church to our online home. Here you will find all the information you need to familiarize yourself with us, our beliefs, and the mission and vision of the Italo-Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of the Americas and Canada.


The Holy Archdiocese, being a constituent part of the Italo-Greek Byzantine Orthodox Catholic Church, follows the Julian Calendar. We are neither traditionalist nor conservative. or "Old Calendarist"; we are merely faithful Orthodox Catholic Christians striving to work out our salvation in faithful adherence and obedience to the Apostolic Faith "handed down once for all delivered to the saints" (Jude 1:3).


You will find a great deal of information here, much of which points to a fully functional ecclesiastical entity, a status we have yet to achieve. As we are in the process of rebuilding the Italo-Greek Orthodox Church, much of what you see on this site is foundational. That is to say, every document, policy, and procedure and every statement of faith is a foundation stone upon which our venerable Italo-Greek Church will be built; they are, if you will, the blueprints we will follow to ensure that the Church serves God and His people only, with integrity, clarity, good canonical order, and with steadfast faithfulness to Holy Tradition and the precepts of the Holy Orthodox Catholic Church.  Some of the policies have been with us since the creation and establishment of the Archdiocese, some since the re-establishment of the episcopate in 2004; and others since that time.


You will also find much historical information here, particularly in the Archdiocese Directory of Parishes and Missions. We maintain this information for posterity and to reconstitute those historical communities that were once a part of our Church. If you are of Sicilian or Italian descent living in any of the cities listed in the directory and are interested in reconstituting and reorganizing any of the parishes and missions listed or if you are interested in founding a new community of the Italo-Greek tradition in any other US or Canadian city, please feel free to contact us.


Finally, this site is intended to be catechetical and evangelical. You will find a great deal of information about the Orthodox Catholic Faith here. For those of you who may be discerning joining the Orthodox Catholic Church, this site is intended to be a resource for you in your discernment process. For those of you who are already Orthodox Catholic but have little or no knowledge of us, we hope you will take the time to get to know us better.


We hope you will visit this site frequently, and if there are any questions you may have that are not answered on this site, please do not hesitate to ask us. In the meantime, please take your time to learn about and get to know us. May God bless you and keep you in His love always!


+Archbishop Stephen



The Italo-Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of the Americas & Canada


The Archdiocese is the geographical ecclesiastical district of the Italo-Greek Byzantine Orthodox Catholic Church. The Archdiocese, missionary by nature, seeks to build up the Kingdom of God on earth by calling all people to the conversion of heart, mind, and spirit; to the fulness of the Apostolic Faith; and to membership and life in the Body of Christ.


The canonical territory of the Archdiocese encompasses the continental United States, Canada, South America, and the United States Protectorates. Utica, New York is the Metropolitan See of the Archdiocese as well as the home of the Cathedral of the Most Holy Theotokos - Our Lady of Grace, Mother Church and the Metropolitan Throne of the Archdiocese, and the Chancery Office.


The Archdiocese is led by His Eminence, Stephen, Archbishop of Siracusa and Ortigia, and of All Sicily, Southern Italy, and Magna Graecia, Metropolitan of the Americas and Canada of the Italo-Greeks, Bishop of Utica, and Primate of the Italo-Greek Byzantine Orthodox Catholic Church.

Our Faith

The information contained on the website of the Italo-Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of the Americas and Canada is for informational purposes only. Certain hierarchs, clergymen, individuals, churches, institutions, and organizations are presented for reference purposes only and may not be under the canonical supervision or jurisdiction of the Italo-Greek Byzantine Orthodox Catholic Church or the Italo-Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of the Americas and Canada. The Archdiocese does not exercise any canonical or administrative oversight or assignment authority over clergy that are not part of the Italo-Greek Byzantine Orthodox Catholic Church - Holy Metropolitan Archdiocese of the Americas and Canada. If you have been approached or contacted by a clergyman who claims to be affiliated with the Italo-Greek Byzantine Orthodox Catholic Church or the Italo-Greek Orthodox Church and have questions regarding him, please contact the Chancellor of the Archdiocese at the Chancery Office.


© Italo-Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of the Americas and Canada, 2023