The Holy Eucharist
/ Our Faith / The Holy Mysteries (Sacraments) / The Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist




What follows are selected and arranged excerpts from Orthodox Catholic pre-Communion prayers, taken from The Ancient Faith Prayer Book.


To Whom Do We Come in Holy Communion?


“O Master, Lord Jesus Christ our God, the Source of life and immortality, Who is the Maker of all creation, both visible and invisible, the co-eternal and co-beginningless Son of the Eternal Father, Who in the abundance of Your goodness was in the last days clothed in flesh, were crucified and buried for us ungrateful and thankless ones, and by Your own Blood refashioned our nature, which had been corrupted by sin …”

“I believe, Lord, and I confess that You are truly the Christ, the Son of the living God, Who came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the first."


Of What is the Christian Partaking?


“I believe that this is truly Your most pure Body and that this is truly Your most precious Blood.”

“… trusting in Your compassion, I take courage and approach You, for You have said, ‘He who eats My Flesh and drinks My Blood abides in Me and I in him” (John 6:54).


On What Basis May One Approach Holy Communion?


“I know, O Lord, that I partake of Your immaculate Body and precious Blood unworthily, that I am guilty …”

“From lips tainted and defiled, from a heart impure and loathsome, from an unclean tongue, and out of a polluted soul, receive my prayer, O my Christ.”

“I know that I am not worthy or sufficient that You should come under the roof of the house of my soul, for all is desolate and fallen, and You do not have within me a place fit to lay Your head.”

“For I have sinned, O Lord, I have sinned against heaven and before You, and I am not worthy to look upon the height of Your glory; for I have provoked Your goodness by transgressing Your commandments and not obeying Your ordinances. But in Your forbearance, patience, and great mercy, You, O Lord, have not given me up to be destroyed with my sins, but You await my complete conversion.”

“Do not reject me, nor my words, nor my ways, nor even my shamelessness, but give me courage to say what I desire, O my Christ …”

“… accept the repentance even of me, a sinner, and incline Your ear and hear my words.”

“This I know: that neither the greatness of my offences nor the multitude of my sins surpasses the great patience of my God and His immense love for me.”

“For You Who love mankind have said through Your Prophet that You desire not the death of the sinner, but that he should return to You and live. For you do not will, O Lord, that the work of your hands should perish, neither do You delight in the destruction of men, but You desire that all should be saved and come to the knowledge of the Truth.”

“Receive even me, O Christ, Lover of mankind, as You received the harlot, the thief, the publican, and the prodigal; and take from me the heavy burden of my sins…”


What Sins May Be Forgiven?


“O Lord Jesus Christ my God, loose, remit, forgive, absolve, and pardon the sins, offenses, and transgressions which I, Your sinful, unprofitable, and unworthy servant have committed from my youth up to the present day and hour, whether in knowledge or in ignorance, whether by words or in deeds, whether in my intentions or in my thoughts, and whether by habit or through any of my senses.”


How Should Christians Prepare Themselves for Holy Communion?


“When you, O man, are about to eat the Body of the Master, draw near with fear, lest you be burned: it is fire. And before you drink the divine Blood to share in communion, reconcile yourself with those who grieve you. Then, with boldness, venture to eat the Mystic Food.”


What Does Partaking in the Eucharist Do?


“Let the burning coal of Your most-holy Body and precious Blood be for the sanctification, enlightenment, and strengthening of my humble soul and body; for a relief from the burden of my many sins; for a protection from all diabolical practices; for a restraint and a check on my evil and wicked way of life; for the mortification of the passions; for the keeping of Your commandments; for an increase of Your divine grace; and for the advancement of Your kingdom.”

“… let these Holy Things be for my healing, purification, enlightenment, protection, and salvation; for the sanctification of body and soul; for the averting of every delusion, wicked deed, and devilish activity working with intent in my members; for confidence and love toward You; for reformation of life and stability; for an increase of virtue and perfection; for the fulfillment of the commandments; for communion with the Holy Spirit; as a provision for eternal life; and as an acceptable defense at Your dread Judgment …”

“… make me worthy to partake without condemnation Your pure, immortal, life-giving, and fearsome Mysteries, for the forgiveness of sins and eternal life; for sanctification and enlightenment; for strength and healing; for the health of soul and body; and for the blotting out and disappearance of my evil thoughts, intentions, and prejudices, and the nocturnal visitations of dark and evil spirits.”

“Cleanse me from all defilement of flesh and spirit, and teach me to attain perfect holiness in the fear of You, that with the testimony of a clear conscience, I may receive a portion of Your Holy Things and be united with Your holy Body and Blood, and have You dwelling and remaining in me with the Father and Your Holy Spirit.”


How is the Christian United with God?


“Whoever partakes of Your divine and deifying gifts certainly is not alone, but is with You, my Christ, the Light of the Triune Sun which enlightens the world. That I may not remain alone without You, O Giver of life, my Breath, my Life, my Joy, and the Salvation of the world, I draw near to You, as You see, with tears and with a contrite spirit.”

“O Lord, You Alone are pure and incorrupt. Through the ineffable compassion of Your love for mankind, You assumed our whole nature through the pure and virgin blood of her who supernaturally conceived You by the coming of the Divine Spirit and by the will of the Eternal Father … You assumed our nature … ”

“You Who by Your glorious Ascension deified our nature which You had assumed, and honored it by sitting at the right hand of the Father, make me worthy, through partaking of Your holy Mysteries, of a place at Your right hand among those who are saved.”


What Christians Say Before Partaking


Immediately before partaking of Holy Communion, the entire congregation declares:

“I believe, O Lord, and I confess, that You are truly the Christ, the Son of the living God, Who came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the first. I believe, also, that this is truly Your most pure Body and that this is truly Your own precious Blood. Therefore, I pray to You: Have mercy on me and forgive me my transgressions, both voluntary and involuntary, of word, deed, or thought, committed in knowledge and in ignorance; and make me worthy to partake of Your most pure Mysteries without condemnation, for the remission of sins and eternal life. Amen.”


Who May Receive the Holy Eucharist?


In the Italo-Greek Byzantine Orthodox Catholic Church, as in all other Orthodox Catholic Churches, only baptized Orthodox Christians may receive Holy Communion at the Divine Liturgy and the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts. The Orthodox Catholic Church, unlike the Catholic Church or Protestant communions like the Anglican/Episcopal Communion, does not have the practice of "open communion". Our stand of not giving Holy Communion to individuals who are not Orthodox Christians is based upon the fact that we believe that the Holy Eucharist is not merely a means to unity among Christians but the fruit of unity, a unity which is based upon a fully shared belief and not just some elements of shared belief.


With regard to the Catholic Church, while the Italo-Greek Byzantine Orthodox Catholic Church recognizes that we share a great deal in common belief with the Catholic Church, and that much good work has been done to heal the schism and estrangement between the two Churches, there is still much work that needs to be done. Unfortunately, we are not at the point of a fully shared belief that would permit us to share the common cup or concelebrate together at the same altar. Therefore, it is not possible at this time for the Orthodox Catholic Church to extend eucharistic hospitality to those Christians who do not fully share her beliefs. We hope that the day will come soon when we will be able to do so.


With regard to the various Protestant denominations, we share very little with them in matters of faith and morals.  It is not possible, therefore, to have any type of Eucharistic relationship with them or to even join in common prayer with them.


We pray earnestly and always for the unity of all Christians and that all people everywhere will be reconciled to Christ's One Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church.





Every Sunday, Holy Day of Obligation, and Feast Day, Orthodox Catholic Christians come together and joyously celebrate a sublime Divine Mystery that unites them to Christ in a way the world has never known.


Surely it is the privilege of every communicant of the Church to say, “I am transformed: brought into direct contact with the Divine - forever changed - bound to God.” This is what is said - and much more - in the pre-Communion prayers of the Orthodox Catholic Church.





The Italo-Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of the Americas & Canada


The Archdiocese is the geographical ecclesiastical district of the Italo-Greek Byzantine Orthodox Catholic Church. The Archdiocese, missionary by nature, seeks to build up the Kingdom of God on earth by calling all people to the conversion of heart, mind, and spirit; to the fulness of the Apostolic Faith; and to membership and life in the Body of Christ.


The canonical territory of the Archdiocese encompasses the continental United States, Canada, South America, and the United States Protectorates. Utica, New York is the Metropolitan See of the Archdiocese as well as the home of the Cathedral of the Most Holy Theotokos - Our Lady of Grace, Mother Church and the Metropolitan Throne of the Archdiocese, and the Chancery Office.


The Archdiocese is led by His Eminence, Stephen, Archbishop of Siracusa and Ortigia, and of All Sicily, Southern Italy, and Magna Graecia, Metropolitan of the Americas and Canada of the Italo-Greeks, Bishop of Utica, and Primate of the Italo-Greek Byzantine Orthodox Catholic Church.

Our Faith

The information contained on the website of the Italo-Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of the Americas and Canada is for informational purposes only. Certain hierarchs, clergymen, individuals, churches, institutions, and organizations are presented for reference purposes only and may not be under the canonical supervision or jurisdiction of the Italo-Greek Byzantine Orthodox Catholic Church or the Italo-Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of the Americas and Canada. The Archdiocese does not exercise any canonical or administrative oversight or assignment authority over clergy that are not part of the Italo-Greek Byzantine Orthodox Catholic Church - Holy Metropolitan Archdiocese of the Americas and Canada. If you have been approached or contacted by a clergyman who claims to be affiliated with the Italo-Greek Byzantine Orthodox Catholic Church or the Italo-Greek Orthodox Church and have questions regarding him, please contact the Chancellor of the Archdiocese at the Chancery Office.


© Italo-Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of the Americas and Canada, 2023