The Archdiocesan Pastoral Council is the advisory and consultative body to the Metropolitan of the American Archdiocese and is responsible for the development, implementation, oversight, and administration of all pastoral, educational, and service programs and ministries of the Church as provided for in this Constitution.
The Archdiocesan Pastoral Council (APC) is an organization consisting of laity, priests, deacons, and monastics. Just as a parish council assists a pastor by providing advice and effort in support of the parish, The APC assists the Metropolitan in his pastoral care for the entire Archdiocese.
Each parish and mission in the Archdiocese selects one person (who may be clergy or lay) to represent that parish on the APC. In addition to these parish representatives, there are representatives from each of the Archdiocesan offices, the Presbyteral Council, or any other special ministries - depending on the issues being investigated and pondered by the APC at a particular time.
The Archdiocesan Pastoral Council utilizes plenary sessions to create a 'central forum' for the exchange of information and ideas on an Archdiocesan-wide level and to strengthen the bonds of communication between the Metropolitan and the parishes and missions of the Archdiocese In addition, the APC Constitution provides for committees composed to address specific issues of Archdiocesan-wide concern (e.g., Orthodox Catholic education, finances, development of vocations and ministries, allocation of Church personnel resources, etc.).
The representative (or an alternate) from each parish and mission is invited to participate in APC plenary session under the leadership of the Metropolitan. These meetings are planned by the APC Executive Committee in conjunction with the Metropolitan. Plenary meetings are held four times a year (twice in the Fall and Spring months). Plenary sessions allow the Metropolitan to share information and consult directly with a representation of the entire Archdiocesan community.