/ Introduction




"The process of becoming an Orthodox Christian can be compared very closely to the process of becoming a married person for it involves the same basic movements of courtship, engagement, and marriage. When a person first becomes interested in the Orthodox Church a series of initial interactions take place. Perhaps one visits for a liturgy, researches Orthodoxy online, or engages in a conversation with a friend who is Orthodox. If these initial interactions are blessed, a more studied process of inquiry follows which can be compared to the process of courtship. One who launches into this dance with the Church is called by the Church an inquirer or a seeker.” From Starting Down the Royal Path: How to Become an Orthodox Christian By Archpriest Josiah Trenham, Ph.D.


After launching into the “dance” as an inquirer and determining with their priest that it is appropriate for them, one can then become a catechumen and begin formal preparation for being received into the Orthodox Catholic Church.




A catechumen (Greek: κατηχούμενος) is one who is preparing for baptism in the Church.


What is a Catechumen?

In the ancient Church, the catechumenate, or time during which one is a catechumen, often lasted for as much as three years and included not only participation in the divine services but also catechesis, formal instruction from a teacher, often the bishop or appointed catechist. Exorcists often performed the catechetical role, as well, following their initial prayers of exorcism over the one being made a catechumen, which is the traditional manner of receiving a catechumen into the community of the Church.

Catechumens are understood to be Christians upon beginning their catechumenate, and should they die before baptism, they are traditionally given an Orthodox funeral.

As the Church eventually became the majority religion of the lands in which it sojourned, the catechumenate as an institution gradually died out in many places, as most Christians were being baptized shortly after birth. As Orthodoxy has moved into the West and Far East and begun gaining converts to the faith, the catechumenate has been significantly rejuvenated.

Catechetical instruction in Orthodoxy in America does not typically last the three years which was common in the time of St. John Chrysostom, but typically can last from six months to a year, depending on the practice of the bishop, his jurisdiction, and the level of spiritual maturity of the catechumen. Local parish priests typically oversee the catechesis of those preparing to be received into the Church.

The Orthodox Catholic Church has no formal catechism, a single body of work that details the specifics of its faith. This is one difference between the Orthodox Catholic Church and the Catholic Church, which does have a specific catechism. 





Catechumen Classes

Catechumens are required to attend a series of classes prior to baptism and chrismation. Attendance at all classes is mandatory. A single unexcused absence may prevent reception at Holy Pascha. This is important!

The first set of classes is scheduled prior to the beginning of the Church Year (September 1/14), and the second series begins on the Sunday of Forgiveness, before the start of Great Lent. If you need to be absent, you must discuss this with your priest and get permission for an approved absence.


The following is a list of the catechumen lectures catechumens are required to attend.

The main texts for Catechism Class are: “The Faith: An Orthodox Catechism” by Clark Carlton (Available online through this website or in most of our parishes, missions, and congregations) and "The Orthodox Faith", a four-volume set written by the late Archpriest Thomas Hopko.

Catechumens are required to read a series of books prior to Baptism and Chrismation. These books can be purchased through the Archdiocese website. In addition, an article called Starting Down the Royal Path: How to Become an Orthodox Christian, must be studied by catechumens.

The online link to the article is: Starting Down the Royal Path



  • On the Priesthood (1984) by St. John Chrysostom
  • The Faith: An Orthodox Catechism (1997) by Clark Carlton or
  • Entering the Orthodox Church or The Mind of the Church by Metropolitan Hierotheos Vlachos
  • For the Life of the World (1998) by Fr. Alexander Schmemann
  • Great Lent (2001) by Fr. Alexander Schmemann
  • The Way of the Ascetics (1985) by Tito Colliander
  • The Beginnings of a Life of Prayer (1985) by Archimandrite Irenei (Steenberg)


Suggested Reading:

  • The Way or The Truth (1997, 1999) by Clark Carlton
  • The Orthodox Way (1998) by Bishop Kallistos Ware
  • The Way of a Pilgrim (many editions)
  • To be Completed Prior to Baptism and Chrismation



  • If the new catechumen was registered on the membership role of another religious body, the catechumen must, upon being enrolled as a catechumen, write to this body and ask to be removed from their previous membership roster. This is exceedingly important should the catechumen die during catechism so that the Orthodox burial may take place unhindered.
  • Attend Sunday Liturgies and Feast Day Liturgies, and other weekly services as possible (Liturgies, Matins, Vespers, etc.) for at least a year before being received.
  • Present yourself for the Catechumen Litany in the weekly Sunday Divine Liturgy.
  • Attend Lenten Services – these are your primary preparation.
  • Present yourself for Catechumen Litany at one Presanctified Liturgy a week during Great Lent – Wednesdays or Fridays. These are very important and cannot be missed without the permission of the pastor or the Metropolitan.


ALL OF THE REQUIREMENTS BELOW MUST BE MET BY THE SECOND SATURDAY OF GREAT LENT (if a catechumen plans to be received on the coming Holy Saturday. The only thing that should be remaining to be done by this date is attendance at the Saturday Lenten Lecture series.

The requirements must be reported to one's pastor or spiritual father. Father will review your progress and make his final decision on who will be participating in the Rite of Election.

  • Prepare and make a life confession – the sooner the better. Establish regular confession practice (at least monthly).
  • Visit at least two other Orthodox Churches during catechumenate and provide this information to your priest or father confessor.
  • Give! It is understood that every God-loving Orthodox Christian, from becoming a catechumen will tithe (10%) to support their holy church from their money, time, and talent. 
  • Read and follow the guidance in Starting Down the Royal Path: How to Become Orthodox – this should be done upon becoming a catechumen.
  • Read all of the assigned books and inform your priest upon completion.
  • Fill out the Baptism Certificate information form and return it to your priest with a $10 check made payable to the "Italo-Greek Orthodox Archdiocese" for your baptism/chrismation certificate.
  • You will need to find a Godparent/Sponsor. You must discuss your choice with your priest prior to asking the potential sponsor. The sponsor will need to be approved to be your sponsor by the priest.


Preparing to be Received at Holy Pascha

  • You will need a baptism cross, baptism candle, and a towel
  • Black clothing for baptism must be obtained. It should be loose and modest. Men can wear a large black T-shirt and long shorts. Women should wear a black one-piece bathing suit covered by a large black T-shirt or other loose garment that falls below the hips with long black shorts or leggings.
  • You need to make sure you have an icon of your Patron Saint. If it has not been blessed, you will want to bring it to the Baptism so it can be blessed.
  • Obtain a baptismal robe. You will need a fitting. This will be coordinated as Pascha approaches. Everyone being received needs a robe.
  • Review the Baptism/Chrismation Service once a week during Great Lent. (Available as a handout during lecture series and in a link on the Archdiocese website: Baptism and Chrismation Service for Catechumens).
  • Will you or your Godparent/Sponsor purchase these things? You should discuss this with your sponsor.
  • People being received should spend time selecting a cross. If you want a costly cross, you may want to tell the Godparent/Sponsor that you are making this purchase. If your Sponsor is planning to purchase your cross, you need to discuss how it is to be selected, as some Sponsors feel that they will choose one and present it to you. It is good to work these things out in advance.
  • The candle should be 15-18” long and beeswax. They are decorated for the occasion. You want to plan for getting your candle early enough to find and purchase one.   It can take time to find the candle of your choice. Candles must have a cup on them to keep them from dripping wax on the floor.
  • Additional information and instructions for baptism and chrismation will be provided through the lecture series as Pascha draws near.



The Italo-Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of the Americas & Canada


The Archdiocese is the geographical ecclesiastical district of the Italo-Greek Byzantine Orthodox Catholic Church. The Archdiocese, missionary by nature, seeks to build up the Kingdom of God on earth by calling all people to the conversion of heart, mind, and spirit; to the fulness of the Apostolic Faith; and to membership and life in the Body of Christ.


The canonical territory of the Archdiocese encompasses the continental United States, Canada, South America, and the United States Protectorates. Utica, New York is the Metropolitan See of the Archdiocese as well as the home of the Cathedral of the Most Holy Theotokos - Our Lady of Grace, Mother Church and the Metropolitan Throne of the Archdiocese, and the Chancery Office.


The Archdiocese is led by His Eminence, Stephen, Archbishop of Siracusa and Ortigia, and of All Sicily, Southern Italy, and Magna Graecia, Metropolitan of the Americas and Canada of the Italo-Greeks, Bishop of Utica, and Primate of the Italo-Greek Byzantine Orthodox Catholic Church.

Our Faith

The information contained on the website of the Italo-Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of the Americas and Canada is for informational purposes only. Certain hierarchs, clergymen, individuals, churches, institutions, and organizations are presented for reference purposes only and may not be under the canonical supervision or jurisdiction of the Italo-Greek Byzantine Orthodox Catholic Church or the Italo-Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of the Americas and Canada. The Archdiocese does not exercise any canonical or administrative oversight or assignment authority over clergy that are not part of the Italo-Greek Byzantine Orthodox Catholic Church - Holy Metropolitan Archdiocese of the Americas and Canada. If you have been approached or contacted by a clergyman who claims to be affiliated with the Italo-Greek Byzantine Orthodox Catholic Church or the Italo-Greek Orthodox Church and have questions regarding him, please contact the Chancellor of the Archdiocese at the Chancery Office.


© Italo-Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of the Americas and Canada, 2023