There are fifteen major Dicasteries in the Archdiocese. Each Dicastery is comprised of a number of Prefectures, Secretariats, Vicariates, and Offices, all of which are organized and function to assist the Metropolitan and the Church implement, carry out, and sustain its divine mission, which is the salvation of souls.
The principal Dicasteries of the Archdiocese are:
- The Dicastery for the Holy Office of the Metropolitan
- The Dicastery for the Ecclesiastical and Spiritual Affairs, Administration, and Life of the Church
- The Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith
- The Dicastery for Divine Worship, Sacred Rites, and the Discipline of the Sacraments
- The Dicastery for the Propagation of the Faith and the Evangelization of Peoples
- The Dicastery for Judicial and Canonical Affairs
- The Dicastery for Christian Education and Catechesis
- The Dicastery for the Laity, Family, and Human Life and Dignity
- The Dicastery for Temporal Affairs and Administration of the Church
- The Dicastery for Apostolic Service and the Charitable and Philanthropic Works of the Church
- The Dicastery for Clergy
- The Dicastery for Monastic Institutions and for Pious Societies and Organizations
- The Dicastery for Communication
- The Dicastery for External Church Affairs and Relations
- The Dicastery For Vocations
The Dicastery for the Holy Office of the Metropolitan is responsible for the administration and oversight of the Metropolitan's Office and its service to the Church. Included in the mandate of the Dicastery's mission and work is the oversight and support of the Metropolitan Household.
The Dicastery for the Ecclesiastical and Spiritual Administration of the Church is responsible for the administration and oversight of all matters ecclesiastical and spiritual of the Church. This includes canonical matters and issues; the spiritual, religious, and ecclesiastical affairs, matters, and life of the Church; and the development, implementation, and oversight of programs that increase the spiritual life of the Archdiocese as well as the clergy and faithful of the Church.
The Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith is responsible for propagating, ensuring, and maintaining proper Orthodox Catholic belief among the faithful of the Church. It is primarily responsible for safeguarding and promoting the doctrine of the Church on faith and morals. The Dicastery is also responsible for receiving and investigating complaints and allegations of heterodoxy, heresy, and apostasy against members of the clergy and faithful of the Archdiocese. The Dicastery is intended to make positive efforts to promote and maintain theological orthodoxy and to protect the rights of those accused of failure in this regard.
The Dicastery is responsible for handling matters, issues, affairs, and concerns relating to the liturgical worship of the Church. The Dicastery is also responsible for handling all matters pertaining to the proper administration and celebration of the Holy Mysteries (Sacraments). The responsibilities of the Dicastery include, but are not limited to:
- Regulation and promotion of the Divine Liturgy, the Liturgy of the Hours (e.g., Matins, Vespers, Compline, etc.), and other liturgical services.
- Regulation and promotion of para-liturgical services and devotions.
- Regulation of the administration of the Sacraments, especially regarding their valid and licit celebration.
- Promoting liturgical pastoral activity, especially regarding the celebration of the Eucharist.
- Drawing up and revision of liturgical texts.
- Promoting the liturgical apostolates of sacred music, art, and architecture.
- Ensuring that liturgical norms are accurately and properly observed and that abuses are avoided and eliminated where they are found to exist.
- Examing the fact of non-consummation in a marriage and the existence of a just cause for granting a dispensation.
- Examining the nullity of ordination (pertains to the reception of non-Orthodox Catholic clergy)
- Regulating the cult of relics and the confirmation of heavenly patrons in the Archdiocese, its suffragan dioceses, and locally in concert with the Great and Holy Synod of Bishops of the Italo-Greek Byzantine Orthodox Catholic Church.
- Giving assistance to the Metropolitan and bishops of the Archdiocese so that the prayers and pious exercises of the Christian people may be fostered and held in high esteem.
The Dicastery for the Propagation of the Faith and the Evangelization of Peoples is responsible for missionary work and its related activities. In principle, the dicastery is responsible for pre-parish and pre-diocesan works and activities. In other words, the dicastery undertakes the necessary missionary and evangelical activities in areas where there is no Orthodox Catholic presence and which will result in the formation and establishment of a congregation, mission, and eventual parish of the Orthodox Catholic Church under the jurisdiction of the Italo-Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of the Americas and Canada.
The jurisdiction of the Dicastery is confined to the United States of America, Canada, South America, and the United States Protectorates. All other countries and geographic areas fall under the jurisdiction of the Dicastery for the Propagation of the Faith and the Evangelization of Peoples of the Italo-Greek Orthodox Holy Archdiocese of Syracuse and Ortigia and of All Sicily, Southern Italy, and Magna Graecia. However, the Dicasteries of both Archdioceses work together in a common mission of missionary and evangelical activity, sharing both human and material resources.
The Dicastery of Judicial and Canonical Affairs and Services is the judicial and canonical arm of the Metropolitan's government of the Archdiocese. As such, it is both the court system of the Church and the canonical forum for the resolution of canonical questions arising from the activity of the Church and of the faithful, the investigation of crimes committed by the clergy and the faithful, the prosecution of crimes committed under Canon Law, and the arbitration and adjudication of disputes, disagreements, and conflicts between the members of the Church.
The Dicastery for Judicial and Canonical Affairs and Services is comprised of three separate divisions:
- The Court System
- The Prefecture for Canonical Affairs and Services
- The Office of Internal Affairs and Investigations
The Court System of the Italo-Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of the Americas and Canada is comprised of five distinct courts:
- The Eparchial General Court
- The Metropolitan Provincial Tribunal
- The Archeparchial Court of Appeals
- The Provincial Court of Ecclesiastical Reserve
- The Archdiocesan Marriage Tribunal
The Eparchial General Court is the Court of First Instance in the Eparchies/Dioceses of the Archdiocese. The Metropolitan Provincial Tribunal is the Court of First Instance for disputes between eparchies and other Archdiocesan institutions and the Court of Second Instance (Appeals) for all matters referred to it by the local Eparchial General Courts. The Archeparchial Court of Appeals is the final judgment in all cases referred to it by the Metropolitan Provincial Tribunal. The Provincial Court of Ecclesiastical Reserve only hears and tries cases of crimes and delicts committed by the clergy of the Archdiocese. Appeals from this Court are made to the Supreme Court of Ecclesiastical Reserve, appeals from which can only be made to the Archbishop, from whom there is no recourse or appeal. The Archdiocesan Marriage Tribunal handles all cases involving requests for Decrees of Ecclesiastical Dissolution of Marriages.
Staff members of the Courts, in addition to the Judicial Vicar, include one or more Judges, Promoters of Justice (Prosecutors), Advocates (Defense Attorneys), Assessors, Auditors, Clerks, and Notaries.
The Prefecture for Canonical Affairs handles all inquiries concerning canon law (excluding Decrees for the Ecclesiastical Dissolution of Marriage). The Prefecture assists all Archdiocesan dicasteries, prefectures, secretariats, vicariates, departments, and offices, as well as all Archdiocesan parishes, missions, congregations, institutions, organizations, and entities with canon law questions; is responsible for censorship of manuscripts; marriage dispensations, pre-marriage questions, and paperwork; responds to all questions regarding gifts and bequests that carry an obligation for the celebration of the Divine Liturgy, and formulates letters of good standing for archdiocesan priests. Additionally, the Office of Canonical Affairs and Services grants faculties for non-incardinated priests, deacons, and subdeacons.
The Office of Internal Affairs and Investigations serves as the Archdiocese's investigative body. The primary mission of the Office of Internal Affairs and Investigations is to advance the mission and statutory mandate of the Archdiocese; vigorously pursue justice through fair, thorough, and impartial investigations; and foster accountability, transparency, integrity, and safety within and throughout the Archdiocese.
The Office of Internal Affairs and Investigations' fundamental goal is to prevent, detect, and investigate abuse, fraud, waste, misconduct, corruption, and criminal activity, among other matters within the Archdiocese, its parishes, missions, congregations, institutions, organizations, and agencies, and to help promote integrity and the highest standards of ethical conduct within the Archdiocese.
The Office of Internal Affairs and Investigations is also responsible for conducting and overseeing the investigations related to the Confidential Comprehensive Personal Background and Criminal Questionnaire required of certain employees and volunteers, and of all seminarians, clergy seeking admission and incardination into the Archdiocese, and candidates for Holy Orders.
The Archdiocese cannot successfully serve the People of God and the wider secular community without maintaining their trust. The Office of Internal Affairs and Investigations helps ensure that trust by detecting, investigating, and bringing those clergy and members of the laity who engage in canonical and/or criminal misconduct.
The Dicastery for Christian Education and Catechesis is to form disciples spiritually, intellectually, emotionally, socially, and physically, in partnership with parents, and in harmony with the specific gifts given by God to each of the faithful.
The Dicastery, following the leadership and initiatives of the Archbishop, serves those involved in parish religious education and faith formation programs to assist in accomplishing the goal of catechesis, leading people to Christ and deeper into the sacramental and liturgical life of the Church. The Dicastery supports the catechetical leaders and the catechists of the Archdiocese, as they lead and accompany their students and families on their pilgrimage of faith.
The Dicastery for the Laity, Family, and Human Life and Dignity is committed to placing the Christian family at the heart of the Church's mission to form and strengthen families as the Church's and society's basic foundation.
The Dicastery's mission is to advocate for the sanctity of life and the importance of a strong Christian family unit. It carries out its mission by providing parishes, missions, and congregations of the Archdiocese with Christ-centered information, resources, services, and programs for married couples and families. Programs include, but are not limited to, Marriage Preparation, Marriage Enrichment, Separated & Divorced Ministry, Grandparent Ministry, and the Home as a Domestic Church.
The Dicastery for the Administration of the Temporal Affairs of the Church acts in the name of the Metropolitan for matters relating to the temporal administration of the Archdiocese and the Archdiocese's relationship with secular and civil authorities, governments, and agencies. The competency of the Dicastery includes financial budgets and reports, investments, litigation, and all matters related to Archdiocesan properties.
Under the leadership of the Chief Operating Officer, the Dicastery is comprised of a number of departments and offices whose work and activities are dedicated to creating, implementing, and overseeing efficient systems and activities which are intended to safeguard and efficiently administer and manage the material and temporal resources and assets of the Church. The Dicastery is also responsible for human resources which help oversee and carry out the temporal activities of the Archdiocese.
The Dicastery is responsible for the creation, development, implementation, and oversight of the Archdiocese's charitable and philanthropic programs, projects, services ministries, activities, and works. One of the Dicastery's prime works is to develop and create a living culture of intentional disciples of Christ whose mindset believes that the collective efforts of the Church to faithfully serve people in need can change the course of poverty in our nation and in the communities which the Archdiocese has an ecclesial and/or pastoral presence.
The Dicastery has been entrusted by the Metropolitan to develop, form, and implement a culture of serving disciples who are unafraid to go out and labor in the streets, inviting and serving those who have been left out to know and experience the tremendous and abundant love of God through Jesus Christ.
The Dicastery's mission is to help people, regardless of their faith, who are struggling with poverty, homeliness, and other complex issues. The Dicastery's mandate from the Archbishop is to build bridges of hope, mercy, and justice toward the creation of a culture of intentional discipleship and communal care responsive to the cries of those who are poor, homeless, and marginalized.
The Dicastery's primary objective is to form disciples who are committed to breaking down walls of division that keep brothers and sisters separated from one another, excluded, or rendered disposable by society.
The Dicastery for Clergy acts as the primary contact between the Archdiocese and its priests and deacons. The Dicastery oversees the functions and operations. of the Continuing Formation of Priests Program, the Continuing Formation of Deacons Program, The Permanent Diaconate Formation Program, and the Archdiocesan Clergy Funeral and Burial Program, just to name a few.
The Dicastery is responsible for maintaining the Registry of Clergy and for keeping track of the pastoral assignments of priests and deacons of the Archdiocese and any visiting or supply priests ministering in the Archdiocese. The Dicastery also ensures that retired clergy, both active and retired, are properly taken care of and provided for.
The Dicastery for Monastic Institutions and Pious Societies and Organizations acts as a liaison between the Metropolitan and the monks and nuns in the monasteries and convents of the Archdiocese by supporting them in fulfilling their unique charism and undertaking their apostolic and evangelical works. The Dicastery also works in collaboration with the Dicastery for Vocations.
The Dicastery for Monastic Institutions and Pious Societies and Organizations seeks to build a culture of vocation and promote the beauty of consecrated life in the Italo-Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of the Americas and Canada. The Dicastery fulfills this role by sponsoring, in collaboration and close partnership with the Dicastery for Vocations, coordinated Vocation Awareness Events and Weekends, Vocations Retreats, and The Angelic Way Vocations Program.
Among the various responsibilities and competencies of the Discatery for Monastic Institutions and Pious Societies is the day-to-day oversight of the male and female monastics of the Archdiocese. The Dicastery is also responsible for the vetting, approval, and establishment of pious societies and associations of Apostolic Life in the Archdiocese.
The Vicar for Consecrated Life provides the Metropolitan's archpastoral presence and solicitude for and support of consecrated life in fulfilling their particular mission and undertaking apostolic works for the welfare of God's people.
The Dicastery also collaborates with the monasteries and convents of the Archdiocese, as well as the parishes, missions, and congregations of the Archdiocese in the lofty mission and work of encouraging individuals who demonstrate a propensity toward or a yearning for the monastic or other consecrated and professed life.
The mission of the Dicastery for Monastic Institutions and Pious Societies and Organizations is to offer pastoral support to monasteries and convents, religious institutions, societies of apostolic life, and consecrated virgins and hermits, as they work to achieve their spiritual goals and those of the Italo-Greek Byzantine Orthodox Catholic Church in the Italo-greek Orthodox Archdiocese of the Americas and Canada.
The purposes of the Dicastery are to:
- Provide timely communication to the Metropolitan regarding the life and welfare of the monasteries and convents of the Archdiocese and their inhabitants.
- Share the goals of the Italo-Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of the Americas and Canada with the monks and nuns of the Archdiocese for the sake of holy collaboration in the work of saving souls, especially through unceasing prayer and fasting on behalf of and for the People of God.
- Support the apostolate, vocation efforts, and membership of institutes of consecrated life in the Archdiocese in whatever ways possible.
- Support the discernment, formation, and vocations of consecrated virgins and hermits
Monastic life is the backbone of the Church and as the Archbishop and Primate of the Italo-Greek Byzantine Orthodox Catholic Church has consistently stated, "The Italo-Greek Church has a long and rich history of monasticism in its treasury of spiritual riches and gifts. The Church cannot exist without an active and vibrant monastic life and presence. I am committed to the establishment of not just one or two monastic institutions in the Archdioceses that comprise our Church, but to as many as God deems to gift to us by the work and grace of the Holy Spirit. I hope and pray that we will be able, over time and with committed hearts and resources, to once again see Italo-Greek monasticism flourish throughout the Italo-Greek Byzantine Orthodox Catholic Church."
The Dicastery for Communications helps the other Dicasteries and the Prefectures, Secretariats, Vicariates, and Offices of the Archdiocese, as well as its parishes, missions, congregations, and other Archdiocesan institutions and organizations, carry out their mission of communicating the Gospel of Jesus Christ and forming and making intentional disciples of the Lord.
The Dicastery oversees the "Light of Christ Television Network (LCTN); "The Way" Orthodox Catholic television show; The Vineyard (USA), and The Leaven (Canada) Newspapers; The Archbishop's Journal; the archdiocesan website, the Archdiocese's Facebook and Twitter accounts, and all other forms of social media.
The Dicastery is also responsible for overseeing and maintaining the Archdiocese's computer and communication systems.
The Dicastery for External Church Affairs and Relations maintains the Archdiocese's relations with:
- Local Orthodox Churches in the United States of America, Canada, and throughout the world.
- Non-Orthodox Churches (the Catholic Church, the Roman Catholic Church, the Oriental Orthodox Churches, and the Polish National Catholic Church).
- Non-Christian religious communities.
- Federal, state, local, parliamentary, and other secular and public organizations and agencies.
- Inter-governmental, religious, and public organizations, both local and international.
The Dicastery maintains several departments and offices that work closely together to fulfill the Archdiocese's mission and carry out its vision for establishing and maintaining good and honest working relationships with civil and secular governments, agencies, and organizations.
The Dicastery provides the Metropolitan and other Archdiocesan authorities and entities with updates on what is happening in the Orthodox Catholic world, and on matters of interChurch, ecumenical, and interfaith importance, coordinates official delegations, visits, and meetings with leaders of the sister Orthodox Churches and secular governments.
The universal call to a life of holiness and service is made by God to all the baptized: single, married, ordained, and consecrated. While the Archdiocesan Discatery for Vocations values all vocations, it is commissioned by the Metropolitan to provide resources and discernment opportunities that promote and cultivate vocations to ordained and consecrated life, especially Archdiocesan vocations. The Dicarety's Vocations Office strives to be sensitive to the cultural milieu of the Archdiocese on every level of its service to individuals, parishes, schools, campuses, and church organizations. Its ministry is strengthened by the collaboration it shares with the Seminarian Admission, Formation Review, and Evaluation Commission (SAFREC), priests, deacons, monastic congregations, and lay vocation promoters who serve in the Archdiocese and with pastors and lay leaders who keep contact with potential candidates.